"Creating Innovative and Appropriate M2M Technologies With and For the NextBillion"
Telefonica-Arduino GSM/GPRS Shield Use-Case Scenarios for Emerging Markets
Telefonica I+D, Physical Internet Lab
Telefonica I+D, Physical Internet Lab
Authors: Aisha Walcott Bryant (Telefonica I+D), Dr. Robbin Chapman (Wellesley College), Mr Eric Mibuari (Stanford University), Dr. Jakita Thomas (Spelman College), Mr. Francisco Javier Zorzano (Telefonica I+D)
The Physical Internet Lab at Telefonica I+D in collaboration with developers at Arduino have created a new open-hardware device called the GSM/GPRS Shield (or GSM Shield) for the Arduino. The GSM shield combines the functionality of a cell phone with the input and output capabilities of a typical microcontroller board, such as the Arduino. The shield allows access to the Internet, sending SMS, making phone calls, and connecting sensors and actuators to interact with the physical world. Moreover, the GSM shield is a low-cost open-hardware device that enables developers around the globe to create innovative machine-to-machine (M2M) solutions. As a result, new M2M markets in emerging economies can be identified by and for the NextBillion- a term used to describe the next billion people to move into the middle class, and the potential for billions in profits for entrepreneurs and new business created for the next billion people. This document presents use-case scenarios where relevant and appropriate technologies that use the GSM shield may be developed. The use-cases cover education, healthcare, and entrepreneurship/new business.